On 18 July 2018 swachhata intership program organised of Shivraj college,Gadhinglaj SD cadets : cdt.Shubham mangle cdt.Mahesh Mastoli,cdt.Ajit Navkurkar cdt.Rahul Chikkode to work done in Ainapur village clean plastic waste and ask villegers not to use plastic bags.While doing this activity we got guidance of sarpanch ,Gramsevak & Grampanchyat members and ANO. Lt. R.D.Magadum.
On 19 July 2018 Swachhata intership programme organised of Shivraj college ,gadhinglaj SW cdt Ankita Patil ,cdt.Kiran Yesne cdt Sukanya Khamkar towork done in Ainapur village by explaining anti masquito mesure and protection from malario and and dengue and organise water sanitation and boiling of water befor drinking.while doing this activity we got guidance of sarpanch Gramsevk,Grampanchayat members and ANO.Lt.R.D.Magdum